- Mar 7, 2025
Alberto Carvalho, superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District, launched Ed the chatbot with great promise, claiming it would revolutionize education. However, after just three months and almost $3 million, the district decided to shelve Ed due to layoffs at the startup responsible for the AI assistant. This move was met with silence from district spokespersons about the bot's performance or usage.
Similarly, in San Diego, a tool that automatically suggests grades for writing assignments caused a stir among school board members, many of whom were unaware of its existence. The lack of transparency and oversight in these situations highlights the importance of thorough vetting and questioning before implementing AI solutions in educational settings.
Hannah Quay-de la Vallee, a technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology, emphasizes the need for education leaders to critically analyze AI tools before introducing them into classrooms. The risk associated with AI tools, especially those involved in grading and predicting student outcomes, warrants careful consideration and evaluation.
The European Union and the U.S. have frameworks to manage AI risk, but California's state schools superintendent, Tony Thurmond, has yet to address the issue. Legislation is being proposed to establish guidelines for the safe and effective use of AI in education.
Quay-de la Vallee recommends collaborating with organizations that certify edtech products to ensure the reliability and safety of AI tools in schools.
Stephen Aguilar, from the Center for Generative AI and Society at USC, stresses the importance of district officials understanding the purpose and limitations of AI tools before signing contracts with companies. Rushing into AI adoption can lead to overselling and underperformance.
As AI becomes more prevalent in education, the pressure to incorporate it from various stakeholders can cloud judgment. Ana Gallagher from Stanford University advises school districts to seek guidance from trusted sources to navigate the complexities of AI integration.
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