3 COULD SOON BECOME FIVE: The existing commissioners for the Metropolitan Housing Alliance (from delegated right) are Karen Buchanan, Bruce James and Kerry Wright.
Mary Hennigan
3 Metropolitan Housing Alliance commission members fulfilled Wednesday morning for an unique meeting to appoint a new member. After almost an hour in executive session, Monty V. Baugh, a local attorney, was announced as the commission's choice.
3 prospects had been in the running for the open seat, chairman Kerry Wright said. Each commissioner interviewed each prospect independently ahead of the Wednesday conference. They came together to discuss their evaluations and make a decision.
Their choice is currently just a recommendation for the
Little Rock Board of Directors to authorize. The real estate commission is a five-member, self-appointing board. This implies the commissioners make a recommendation, however Baugh should get a last stamp of approval from the city board before he's official.
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At a conference last week, the commissioners went through comparable motions and chosen a renter resident to sign up with the group. Per federal requirements, among the 5 commissioners must live in a structure that's managed by the real estate authority. That selection, Stacie Brown, has not yet increased for approval by the
Little Rock city board.
Both Brown's and Baugh's visits are anticipated to go before the city board on March 5.
The housing board has been through a rough patch since last fall, when the
Little Rock Board of Directors required the resignations of all members because of uncomfortable federal assessments of accounting and management practices. Of the three people who didn't send resignations, the city council voted to oust two of them.
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