** Related Video Above: See minutes from last year's St. Patrick's Day parade in
Cleveland. **.
Cleveland's precious downtown St. Patrick's Day parade is returning once again on March 17, which falls on a Sunday this year.
The parade committee revealed the parade path is rather comparable to year's past, starting on Superior Avenue and East 18th street and decreasing Superior, rounding the corner at West Roadway and ending at the crossway of Rockwell Avenue and
Ontario Street.
As it is a big, public event, with countless individuals planning to attent, the city is anticipated to restrict parking and revelers are asked to consider taking RTA or utilizing trip share services, particularly if they plan on imbibing. The parade route itself is shut down to traffic also.
The parade starts just after 2 p.m. with the theme of "Ireland: One Island, one nation.".
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad announces hiatus.
Learn more about the parade, which has actually been stepping off for more than 180 years, right here.
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