FRIVOLOUS AND MERITLESS: The state attorney general's office said in a court filing today that a request to disqualify the workplace from representing state agencies in a marijuana case is frivolous and meritless.
The state chief law officer's office fired back today in a long-running marijuana growing claim, saying that a demand to disqualify the office from representing the offenders is meritless and frivolous..
2600 Holdings asked a circuit court the other day to disqualify Attorney General Tim Griffin‘‘ s office from representing the state companies that are accuseds due to the fact that of conflicts of interest..
The chief law officer's office reacted to that demand today, saying 2600 Holdings' filing should have gone to the Supreme Court instead of the lower court. Taking the attorney general of the United States's office off the case would leave defendants without representation and would break the Supreme Court's order to maintain the status quo, they stated..
Abtin Mehdizadegan, the attorney for 2600 Holdings, argued in a court filing the other day that Doralee
Chandler's brand-new position in the chief law officer's workplace produces a conflict.
Chandler was the director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control department and was deposed for two days in the case, suggesting she needed to address lawyers' concerns under oath. She left her position as ABC director to end up being the deputy attorney general for state companies..
The state argued today that
Chandler's employment in the office is not a conflict because she does not supply legal representation to the firms that are defendants in the case..
The accuseds in the event are the state Department of Finance and Administration, the state Medical Marijuana Commission and the state Alcoholic Beverage Control department.
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